Talent Development
Employees are an important asset for Wellell. The Company can only achieve sustainable development with its employees by continuously improving their knowledge and skills. Wellell's talent cultivation is structured by the two approaches of "management/professional dual-track system" and "generalist/specialist training." These approaches are designed to provide employees with comprehensive training plans tailored to their career path.
- Management and professional dual-track system: The management/professional dual-track system provides diverse career development opportunities within the Company, enabling employees with different strengths and characteristics to develop into either management or professional positions. The aim is to ensure that employees are placed in positions that best suit their talents and skills.
- Generalist/specialist training: The generalist/specialist training focuses on enhancing the depth of human resources within the organization. "Specialists" are encouraged to deepen their expertise in specific areas, while "generalists" focus on cross-disciplinary integration. Together, these roles complement each other and create an optimal balance for internal operations within the organization.
Education and Training Programs
Wellell aligns talent development with its mid- to long-term business strategies and annual goals, focusing on nurturing the talent needed for current and future business growth. Our aim is to enhance employee productivity and improve the overall performance of the Company. The programs not only encourage employees to improve their skills on their own, but are also aligned with employees' personal career plans and enable them to grow together with the Company. This system creates a culture of lifelong learning within the Company.
Blended/Hybrid Learning for New Employees
Due to the unique nature of the industry, we employ blended/hybrid learning methods for new employee training, enabling new employees to demonstrate their skills in the shortest possible time. Orientation training includes online courses on products, processes, and clinical practices. The training is supplemented by individualized OJT sessions. These are conducted one-on-one by managers or senior employees to ensure that each new employee can quickly adapt to their role.
Core Knowledge Management Platform
As a medical equipment company with its own brand, Wellell's core competencies lie in its knowledge of products, clinical practices, research and development, and market insights. Wellell preserves and leverages this knowledge by digitizing it via a digital learning platform, where it is stored in video and audio formats. Employees in different roles can access job-specific knowledge and materials directly via the learning platform. They can also freely explore and enroll in open courses available in the system, using the platform's learning resources to supplement their professional knowledge.
Deepening/Broadening of Professional Skills
To continuously promote the development of our employees' expertise, we have systematically shifted the main focus of our educational and training programs from product research and development to areas such as quality systems and legal and intellectual property rights. By utilizing an open platform for cross-functional collaboration and brainstorming, Wellell aims to foster new ideas in brand and product development.

With regard to the statistics on employee education and training (including both internal and external training) in 2023, a total of 6,571 employees were trained, with a total training duration of 7,301.88 hours. The average training time per employee was 27.66 hours. The total cost of external training amounted to approximately NT$200,000, while around NT$2 million was invested in internal training.
Statistics on Training Types

Number, Training Hours, and Gender Distribution of Employees Trained in 2023