Wellell is committed to creating a safe and healthy work environment by adhering to occupational safety and health regulations. The Company has established an Occupational Safety and Health Committee and an Occupational Safety and Health Unit to enhance workplace safety and promote the well-being of employees. At the same time, Wellell has established occupational safety management regulations that apply to all employees and vendors. The Occupational Safety and Health Committee is made up of 11 members, including occupational safety and health personnel, supervisors from each department, employee representatives. The employee representatives total 5 members, accounting for 45% and exceeding the statutory requirement. The Committee meets quarterly to discuss topics such as annual occupational safety and health education and training, employee health management, and occupational disease prevention. The results of these discussions are announced and made available to all employees. In addition, the Occupational Safety and Health Unit actively promotes disaster prevention concepts and workplace safety measures for both employees and vendors. In 2023, a total of 15 courses were organized, in which 416 participants were trained in a total of 718.5 training hours.
Occupational Safety Management
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Operations
Wellell carries out the necessary hazard identification and risk assessment of work content and workplace environments, focusing on routine and non-routine activities, overwork-related diseases, and maternity protection. The identification of hazards makes it possible to recognize potential risks and define appropriate management measures. In this regard, the Company has developed and implemented specific operational guidelines, including the Procedures for the Prevention of Ergonomic Hazards, Procedures for the Prevention of Overwork, Procedures for the Prevention of Unlawful Infringement in the Workplace, and Procedures for Maternity Health Protection. These measures each serve as a basis for the management and mitigation of risks. At the same time, Wellell found that employees working on assembly lines were at risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders due to maintaining a constant posture over long periods of time. In 2023, the Company arranged for medical professionals to visit the workplace, assess risks, and make recommendations to improve employees' posture. To date, no employee has been diagnosed with a related occupational disease.
Emergency Response Measures and Mitigation of Occupational Injuries and Accidents
In the event of an emergency, the safety of our employees is our top priority. To enhance employees' emergency response capabilities, Wellell conducts regular fire safety education and emergency evacuation drills every six months. These drills are designed to familiarize employees with evacuation routes and the operation of fire safety equipment. The results of these drills are also reported to the local fire authorities. In addition, the Operating Standards for Handling Accidents have been formulated internally to prevent occupational safety and health-related injuries from happening and ensure the safety of employees. In the event of an emergency, managers as well as occupational safety and health personnel are notified immediately. The emergency response protocol is activated, which provides for rescue operations, evacuation of personnel, and medical treatment of injured persons by contacting the emergency services. At the same time, a follow-up investigation of the incident is conducted to determine the necessary improvement measures and to ensure that future incidents are avoided.
Health Promotion Activities
Wellell strives to offer its employees a balanced, healthy, and happy working environment. We organize diversified health promotion activities to help employees develop exercise habits and protect their health after work.