Wellell's production model focuses primarily on assembly. The required components are delivered by various suppliers and then assembled into finished products on the respective production lines. The energy used for the manufacturing process is exclusively electricity, without the use of water, steam, or heat sources. In response to global efforts to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and the need for effective environmental energy management, Wellell has established the Tucheng Building Management Guidelines. These guidelines set out various control standards for internal energy management to ensure the implementation of energy-saving measures, thereby achieving environmental sustainability. In addition, Wellell conducted an internal greenhouse gas inventory in 2022 to understand the current status of the Company's greenhouse gas emissions and will formulate improvement measures in the future.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Since 2022, Wellell has implemented the ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Inventory. As Wellell primarily focuses on light assembly, the main energy source used in its processes is electricity, making Scope 2 purchased electricity the largest source of emissions. In 2023, carbon emissions saw a slight decrease, with a 4.8% reduction compared to the previous year. Below is the greenhouse gas inventory data for the past two years:
Scope | Category | Description | 2022 | 2023 |
Scope 1 | Category 1 | Direct GHG Emissions | 37.5716 | 35.6238 |
Scope 2 | Category 2 | Indirect GHG Emissions from purchased energy | 886.7925 | 861.9312 |
Scope 3 | Category 3 | Indirect GHG Emissions from transportation (employee) | 163.6350 | 141.3807 |
Category 4 | Indirect GHG Emissions from products used (Fuel and energy-related activities/ waste generated in operations) | 211.1599 | 197.8748 | |
Total | ton-Co2e | 1299.1590 | 1,236.8105 |
Wellell's energy consumption in 2023
Power Consumption
Water Consumption
No water is used in Wellell's production processes, and the total water consumption is mainly daily water consumption.
Waste Generation
Wellell does not produce hazardous waste. Non-hazardous waste can be divided into two types: "waste cloth generated during manufacturing processes" and "general waste." As far as waste disposal is concerned, Wellell adheres strictly to the Waste Disposal Act when collecting, classifying, and storing waste. The Company commissions qualified waste disposal companies to dispose of waste according to the regulations. In addition, Wellell ensures that the disposal companies and waste processors provide final proof of transportation and disposal upon receipt of the waste. The recycling and reuse of waste is entrusted to qualified processors for disposal and transportation.
Environmental Resource Management
Product Manufacturing
Although Wellell does not operate in an industry with a high energy consumption and its production model is primarily based on assembly, the Company strictly adheres to environmental regulations and meets all requirements. None of our manufacturing processes generate substances that pollute the environment. In addition, Wellell requires its raw material suppliers to comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in electronic products. Currently, Wellell is gradually moving toward using recyclable or biodegradable green products. The Company places great emphasis on material sourcing, strength, durability, and biocompatibility to ensure that its products are not only more comfortable and safer to use, but also more environmentally friendly.
Paperless Operations
Wellell continues to promote paperless operations by gradually digitizing product information, customer service, and marketing materials. This initiative not only reduces costs, but also contributes reduce carbon emissions, benefiting the planet. In 2023, the cost of printing paper-based marketing materials was reduced by 55% compared to the average of the last three years, resulting in a decrease in paper consumption of approximately 16,851 sheets. This reduction corresponds to a reduction in our carbon footprint of 128.07 kilograms.(Note)
Note: Based on Taiwan's Product Carbon Footprint Information Network of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, the carbon footprint for a ream of 500 sheets of A4 paper is calculated at 3.8 kg CO2e.
Environmentally Friendly Exhibitions
Wellell participates in more than twenty exhibitions every year. In 2023, the proportion of booth construction materials for traditional wooden structures was completely reduced at four large-scale exhibitions and recyclable materials were used for exhibition decorations. At other, non-major exhibitions, recyclable materials were used for easy-to-install displays to reduce one-off waste. Lighting fixtures were converted to LED lights. Wellell has also switched to using environmentally friendly items such as reusable shopping bags and cups for customer contact when promoting the brand and products on site. The aim is to work with customers to raise environmental awareness, reduce waste, hold green exhibitions, and strengthen the Company's social impact.